
Ok, the other projects. Well, actually an FO first (because it's one of those days where my brain is scatty like that). My pink socks. I decided I wanted a pair about 18 months ago, I bought the yarn last May (on a highly confusing day which I still don't totally understand) and I finished them last week. How on the ball am I?! Taking the photo was a little bit traumatic, on account of my fat calves and rash-covered legs. Mmm!

Project 2. A lacy jumper in 'spiced plum' (a bit spicier and richer than the photo). It's a merino and alpaca mix yarn which I got cheap through the SnB deal, and it's heaven in knitted form (but then isn't heaven always in knitted form?). Here's the finished back

And here's a close up

I'm up to the waist decreases on the front, and it was moving fast, but it has taken a back seat due to K-L's blanket. It's fun to knit, and I look forward to getting back to it.

Project 3. My mohair lace scarf. It's some kidsilk haze I got on ebay a while ago. I'm knitting this very sporadically, but I like it a lot.

Here's the close-up - it's 'wings of the swan' fron 'Traditional Lace Knitting' with a garter stitch border.

So there we have it. Actually, there is a project 4, but it's going to be a birthday preent. Even though I know I'm the only person who will read this, and I have shown it to a few people, it still feels wrong to put it up here. I'm just strange like that.

Now I'm going to sit on the sofa with some form of comfort food, which is where I should have been all day.

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